Desired Traits in a sNr Pony

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There are some basic traits that will be immediately noticeable even to a casual observer. Moreover, these same traits staff can use to gauge the dedication of a pony.

These traits are:

  • Ponies must respond immediately to stimuli or orders. That means stomping when an order is understood (like an order to stay, for example), greeting someone who comes near the stall, following the handler behind and close. If the pony must be afk she will kneel using the sNr gesture. But when not afk, the response must be immediate.

  • Keeping proper focus. When leashed by a handler, the pony will keep its eyes on its handler at all times. No matter what happens around the mare, it will keep its attention properly focused. Upon teleport the pony must immediately seek the handler, avoid sightseeing, and when rezzed move to its position (behind and close) and stomp.

  • Attention and responsiveness. If a pony is not afk then they should be ready to respond to your whip command immediately without any need to ask them if they are ready first. If they don’t, punish them as it’s really important to correct this misbehavior.
  • Avoid making the life of trainers and grooms difficult. If yawning to logoff they must always give some time (10 minutes minimum) to be brought back to their stall. When going afk, the pony must always kneel even if it's for a very short time.

  • Pony’s must obey given commands and not try to guess or outsmart handlers. This is a common issue in whip circle training or, sometimes, when pulling carts. After some time stopped, for example, the trainer orders a turn and the mare begins walking assuming it would be ordered to walk. It is a very common fault and undesirable behaviour that must be suppressed in training.

  • Patience. Mares often wait on their trainers. It can be very frustrating but nevertheless a good mare will keep its attention properly focused.