Animal Pre-Processing Guidance
There are a number of steps that a pony aspirant can complete in advance of being processed which can make the later processing go more smoothly and have more of an RP focus. It is useful to provide this information to a pony prior to them being processed, so they can get these things ready. There are also some things for them to consider before they take the plunge!
Have you got an owner?
sNr willingly accepts unowned mares, but by having an owner prior to being processed you will have someone looking after your overall health and wellbeing and the overall direction of your adventure! Do you know many people here at sNr? Ponies that know people at sNr prior to being stalled, tend to get more attention and visitors so it is worthwhile putting in about a month getting to know people before you sign up. Staff do their best to try and balance their time fairly but it is a fact of life that their own animals would take priority.
While getting to know people, I recommend that you don't hang about as a mare in tack but in casual clothes as then the staff and/or your owner can better enjoy transforming you. However, as I explain later, you do need to have your tack tested and ready, as it will be difficult to adjust when you are locked down!
Compatible pony gear
Your head harness needs to be either the MD Head Harness or the RR Deluxe Gag to be compatible with the provided sNr plugins which allow staff to take your reins for use. The MD (Mesmerize Dungeon) Headharness is a bit dated now, but is available to purchase at their store and from SL Marketplace.
The RR (Real Restraints) bridle is available at the Real Restraints vendor located in the shopping area at sNr. You need to purchase both the Deluxe Gag/Blindfold and the Deluxe Bridle Addon. Please note that Real Restraints do not sell their products on SL Marketplace.
Theoretically, any other head harness could be used, but it needs to be set to Group or Public access so staff can access it. The KDC bridle is another lightweight option and is available from SL Marketplace, but staff may need to read the section KDC Bridle on how to connect reins to it.
Apply plugins
It’s a good idea to apply the bridle plugins prior to processing as it saves time. They are available for free on the vendor wheel.
Both the RR and MD plugin scripts need to be manually added to the respective bridles. To do this, rez the bridle to the floor, select Edit and then drag the scripts into the content tab. Take the bridle and wear it as normal. Now sNr staff has access to your bridle even if it's locked or your owner can lock it exclusively.
In the case of the RR bridle you only need to drag the script into the Deluxe Gag component, not the Deluxe Bridle. The pony and the staff member may need to relog before they can access it.
sNr Pony Gestures
It is important that the pony sets up their gestures correctly as this might be their only way of communicating and showing respect to their trainers. The gestures shown here are found at the Vendor wheel shown on the stable map.
First of all, it is worth deactivating the non-pony gestures whilst a mare. Also make sure that the shortcuts listed here are set up so all the gestures can be triggered via key presses. You can view your gestures by pressing CTRL +G. To activate the gestures, find the items in the inventory and right-click to Activate/Deactivate.
If you have the Sassy AO, deactivate Curtsy, Stomps Once and Stomps Twice and activate the ones you find in the Sassy folder instead. These are better because they include motion and sound.
Note: On a Mac, the function keys (F1, F2, etc) are assigned to functions such as to play music, change the volume and brightness etc. If you want them recognised as "traditional" function keys you have two options. Either push a special key called Fn together with the function key, or go to the system preferences and in the keyboard section, change their behaviour so that the function keys pressed alone will be traditional function keys, while pressed together with Fn, they will access the special functions.
The meaning of the gestures is described in detail in What the Gestures mean
If you have issues using or setting up the gestures look at our Troubleshooting tips.
Set up Pony AO
It’s worth investing in a good Pony AO. The more effort you have made with your look, the more likely you will be trained and get visitors. Marine's Sassy Pony AO is highly recommended and is available at the Marines Goodies vendor, next to the sNr vendor wheel.
Mesh body
If you have a mesh body you will need the Omega System Relay to add tattoos to your body. Use this link is see if there is an omega relay compatible with your mesh body: Marketplace It also works with items used outside the pony play world so is a useful purchase to make.
Perfect your look and tack First
Find somewhere quiet and get it perfect! It will be very hard to change once you are locked down. As a minimum you need a tail, pony boots, a head harness and something like an armbinder to secure your arms tightly behind your back. After all, you won't need use of your arms anymore! A harness or corset completes the look and come in many different styles.
Fact: A mare with a good quality and well fitted tack will get more attention.
Apply to be a pony/mare
Ask a member of staff nicely if they will process you, when you are setup and ready. Please be patient as the process can take a little while to get it done perfectly.
Wait to be processed
When you have applied to a member of staff, wait patiently for them to have time to do it. It takes a little time to get you processed properly, so please be patient. It is worth getting it right - but a staff member will want to be sure they have the time before they start.