Silent Dressage Event Rules

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In the spirit of pony play, ponies must look basically like ponies. Stones N Rubber Stables has no specific rules for the outfit of a pony, and does not require a particular uniform. sNr trusts that all participants know basically what ponyboys and ponygirls should look like. The dressage judges have the sole and final say in this matter during the event, they will ask a pony to adjust tack if they deem it necessary.

We appreciate diversity and encourage trainers to experiment with their style in silent dressage. However to ensure that performances have comparable level of difficulty and the judges have clear criteria to judge those performances a couple of clear rules were set. These rules are specifically made for the sNr 10th Anniversary Silent Dressage Competition and the use at that specific event is their only purpose.

  • The event will take place at Ariel's dressage field on the training platform.
  • The only acceptable transition is the traverse.
  • All behaviours and transitions have to be clearly signalled with a whip crack (or comparable signal - in case of doubt, ask the judges)
  • The signal has to have an audio and a chat component, the chat component needs to communicate at shout range.
  • The salute at entry has to be toward the slalom poles, the salute at exit towards the judges.
  • The trainer blocking the path of the pony is considered a command fault.
  • Everything else is up to personal style (exact position of trainer, details of entry and exit routine, type of signal, how the trainer moves between patterns etc)

Everybody at the event, trainers, ponies, judges and spectators are strongly encouraged to keep their render cost and script load at a level that is appropriate for a busy event. sNr reserves the right request adjustments or temporarily remove visitors if they refuse to comply.

Katinka Teardrop Event Organiser

You are encouraged to read our Silent Dressage Guide for more information.