Processing Animals

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Revision as of 19:44, 14 February 2019 by Sinha (talk | contribs)

Before starting the processing, it is useful to make sure the mare has read and completed the ‘Animal Pre-Processing Guidance’ to make the process run more smoothly and have more of an RP bias.

Please note these instructions are geared towards Classic Mares, rather than Rubber Mares. Please refer to the separate section about rubber mares.

Give pony an sNr Brand

Go to the classification table on the wall near the vendor wheel. A menu will guide you through how to issue the appropriate classification tattoos and badges to the new mare. It also comes with omega appliers so it can be added to mesh bodies.
Remind the pony that an omega relay will be likely needed. The URL for the Maitreya version is System Kit for Maitreya on SL Marketplace

This RP can be more fun if done at the branding station round the back of the stables once the pony has the brands in their inventory.

If a pony is wearing a full rubber suit or equivalent then it might be better to use the brand in prim format instead and fit it appropriately. If the pony has a complex tattoo setup, you may wish to skip this stage so not to disturb their current tattoo setup.

Update Profile/Groups

Get the animal to clear their profile text and just put something like " [name] is an animal owned by sNr and stabled there." If they have an owner, then state who their owner is. Get them to clear or hide their groups so only sNr shows. It is also worth getting them to change their profile picture to one showing their new form.

Consider Pony Name

It’s a good idea to give a mare/pony a more appropriate name. In cases where the animal is owned, it is the owner’s decision if this is done and what the new name will be. Obviously, ponies don’t need surnames.

Add to sNr Pony/Livestock Group

In the conversations area select Contacts and then the group tab. Highlight Stones N Rubber Stables and press the Info button. Select the Members and Roles Tab, and then the Members tab. You can then search for the avatar and add the appropriate tag, or invite them as appropriate if they are not already a member.

Mare Hearing

If the animal is to be classified as a mare rather than pony, get the animal to purchase and wear the sNr Mare Hearing tool. Tell them it costs 800L, but is worth it for the experience and it helps finance the ongoing running of the sim. Mare Hearing for ponies is also allowed, but optional.

Staff terminal steps

Give a pony the Mare Control using the staff vendor. Get the updater box and rez it. It tells you when it is ready so you can click the box and get the new Mare Control delivered.

Assign to a stall

Take the animal to an appropriate stall and leash them inside, and then click the names panel on the front of the stall door. Choose an empty slot and select their avatar from the list to add their name, then type in an appropriate name for the stall. The sNr main stalls are for animals available for training by sNr staff who have bridles with the plugin and wear the Mare Control and/or Mare Hearing. Private or guest ponies are welcome to use the guest stalls at the far end.

Lock Gear

Lock their tail, head harness and any other unlocked gear. If they have an owner, they need to lock items other than the bridle.

Lock/configure MC/MH

Lock their Mare control. Click it or type /321 mare [name] control. This will also lock the Mare Hearing if it is worn. It’s easier to use the Staff HUD so you don’t have to type /321 each time (see separate section). Using their Mare Control: When they are in their stall, set TP Options | Set Position so they will relog to this location. Allow TP Options | TP all (as required) Allow RLV | Touch HUD (as required) – please note this will reset on relog.

Using their Mare Hearing: Turn on Allow Emotes (as required) Set their pony Name so it appears correctly in local chat. Turn on Mare Talk (as required)